The Parish Council meets at the Barnt Green Parish Council Office, on the third Monday of each month except in August and December; the schedule of meetings is shown below.

The council’s Committee Meetings will also be held at the Parish Council office, 80 Hewell Road.

The Planning Committee meets when required, depending on the frequency of applications notified to the Parish Council by the Local Planning Authority (Bromsgrove District Council).

There are three other Standing Committees:

  • The Environment Committee is concerned with looking after the recreation areas, the Lengthsman scheme, floral displays, footpaths and general appearance of the parish.  It meets three times a year.
  • The Finance and General Purposes Committee concentrates on making sure the council is solvent and provides the checks and balances for dealing with public funds.  It meets four times a year.
  • The Staffing Committee meets to review staffing issues.

Terms of Reference for each can be found under the Policies and Governance tab under Scheme of Delegation.

Meeting Dates 2023-2024 with Committees

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Browse: 202620252024202320222021202020192018
Meeting DateMeeting TypeAgendaSupporting InformationMinutes
Mon 19th May, 2025Annual Parish Council Meeting
Mon 28th Apr, 2025Annual Parish Meeting
Mon 14th Apr, 2025Parish Council Meeting
Mon 17th Mar, 2025Parish Council Meeting Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Mon 17th Feb, 2025Parish Council Meeting Parish Council Meeting Agenda Draft Minutes
Mon 20th Jan, 2025Parish Council Meeting Parish Council Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes