Hewell Road Pollinator Site – Volunteers Required
Work has been completed on the installation of the low level rustic barrier to the perimeter of the site with an interpretation panel also erected to inform passers by of the importance of pollinating sites in urban areas.
I hope you agree that it has really gives the area an identity and a sense of purpose?
The parish council is looking to expand and develop further community pollinating sites within the village and would like to hear from anyone who has an interest in gardening and could spare a few hours on planting projects within the community.
The council is looking to form a bank of volunteers and with the proviso of the relaxation of the current social distancing and lockdown measures, it hopes to hold volunteer planting sessions in the late summer/early autumn.
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener, just starting out or would just like to mix with your fellow villagers, all will be welcome and refreshments will be provided.
If you would like to place your name on the volunteers register, sign up to the volunteering policy and get involved, please contact the Executive Officer, Tracy Bodley via email at